According to an analysis by, if stablecoins were a country, their market capitalization of 153T would make them the 40th largest by money supply. This is an impressive feat, considering that stablecoins are still a relatively new phenomenon. Their popularity has been on the rise in recent years, as they offer many of the benefits of cryptocurrencies without the volatility. CEO Jonathan Merry commented on the data he holds, ” The Stablecoin market is still in its early days but is growing at an incredible rate. Stablecoins will play a vital role in the future of finance, as they provide a way to store value without the volatility of traditional cryptocurrencies. We expect the Stablecoin economy to continue to expand and become an increasingly important part of the global financial system. “

What Are Stablecoins?

Stablecoins are digital assets that are pegged to a stable asset, such as the US dollar. This makes them ideal for holding during periods of market turbulence, as their value will not fluctuate as much as other cryptocurrencies.


Stablecoins are important because they provide a way to store value without the volatility of traditional cryptocurrencies. This makes them ideal for holding during periods of market turbulence, as their value will not fluctuate as much as other cryptocurrencies.

What Are the Risks of Stablecoins?


Like any other investment, there are risks associated with stablecoins. The most important risk to consider is the possibility that the asset they are pegged to could decline in value. For example, if the US dollar suddenly collapses, the value of USDT would also decline.


Another risk to consider is the possibility of government regulation. Stablecoins could be subject to the same regulations as other cryptocurrencies, which could hamper their growth.


Despite these risks, stablecoins could still have a bright future. Their popularity is on the rise, offering many potential benefits for traders and investors. Only time will tell whether they will live up to the hype. Full story and statistics can be found here: Stablecoins Market Cap of $153T Would Make Them the 40th Country by Money Supply



By Stocks Future

Stocks Future - magazine version anglaise/english du magazine francophone ACTION FUTURE et

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